Angela C. Dorsey

Prophetess Angela C. Dorsey is a very compassionate and real woman of God. Turning her life around after having gone through domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, rape, exotic dancing, and several other things that tie into darkness, she is a living witness that God is God all by himself. After being delivered from all of these things, Angela is on fire for God and excited about spreading the good news. She has a women’s support group/ministry for women who have experienced domestic violence, single mothers, women recovering from drugs and or alcohol and women in various other situations. Prophetess Angela also has an empowerment program for pre-teen and teenage girls. She also finds time in her busy schedule to feed and clothe the homeless. She has definitely shown herself approved in the community and in the church. Prophetess Angela has operated and had training in being an usher, singing in the choir, being an associate pastor and lead pastor, leading praise dancers, as well as speaking at and putting together gospel conferences. She has done several fundraisers in the community to help others. Her passion is to continue to help others and for the number of people that she is able to help and introduce to God to grow rapidly.

Be on the look out for Prophetess Angela Dorsey coming to a city near you full of the Holy Spirit and ready for deliverance to take place!

Restoration Ministries

Restoration Ministries is an outreach ministry. We serve homeless and under-served persons in different communities. We provide food, clothing, hygiene products, and all other resources needed. Her favorite scripture is “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGHTENS US”!


Restoration Community Outreach, Inc

Restoration Community Outreach, Inc is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2012. It was founded out of my passion to help the underserved individuals in my community. We are located in Loganville, Georgia. I have personally seen how the poverty level has escalated tremendously. It sores my heart to see children and adults of all ages begging for food, money and anything else that is available to help them. Seeing things like this has inspired me to want to help in so many areas. I want children to be able to participate in recreational activities regardless of the family's financial situation, living arrangements or any other circumstances in life. I also want adults to be ale to find their way and find purpose in life. I believe that everyone deserves a chance and some people just need an extra hand. The purpose of the community center is to open avenues that seemed to have been closed or blocked in individual's lives. We offer resources for assistance and benefits, community service hours, dance classes, a food pantry, a clothing closet, life skills coaching, senior companionship and more.

No One wants to grow old all alone, but this is a reality to most Senior Citizens living in Georgia today. At Restoration Community Outreach Inc, we are the only family most neglected Seniors have. Our Services include, Visiting Volunteers Program, Birthday Celebrations for Seniors at Christmas, Easter, Kwanza, and Memorial day Parties. We also organize Poetry sessions, Introduction to Social Media for seniors, City Visitation, Computer education and life memoirs.

Restoration Community Outreach Center was designed and founded to help and serve communities according to their needs. We thrive to create unity and operate in one body!

A critical objective of the program is to close the gap between our youth and seniors confined to nursing homes, and in addition, relieve seniors from Isolation, loneliness and neglect. This is important because it affords youths an insight into life, and aging, and it comforts seniors whom for the most part, just need to know that somebody really cares about them.


The nation is currently facing one of the most severe affordable housing crises in history. Not surprisingly, those living in poverty are the most significantly affected. In the 1970s, communities had plenty of affordable housing. That meant that when a family or individual experienced a crisis and lost housing, they could quickly find another place to live. But by the mid-1980s, a shrinking supply of low cost housing resulted, and the combination of rising rents and slow, stagnant wage growth for lower income people has continued and worsened.

Today, 11 million extremely low-income households pay at least half of their income toward housing, putting them at risk of housing instability and homelessness. THE SOLUTION TO HOMELESSNESS: HOUSING

The solution to homelessness is straightforward: housing. By connecting people experiencing homelessness to housing and services, they have a platform from which they can address other areas that may have contributed to their homelessness, such as unemployment, health and substance abuse.

Homeless Assistance Programs

There are three homelessness-focused housing models that have been demonstrated to effectively end homelessness. They are:

  1. Permanent supportive housing: Permanent supportive housing is long-term rental assistance and supportive services. It is targeted to individuals and families with chronic illnesses, disabilities, mental health issues, or substance use disorders who have experienced long-term or repeated homelessness.

  2. Rapid re-housing: Rapid re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services. The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and stay housed.

  3. Public Housing and Voucher Programs: Administered by HUD, public housing and voucher programs provide decent and safe affordable housing for low-income people and play a critical role in reducing homelessness. Housing Choice Voucher Program (commonly known as “Section 8“) has become the dominant form of federal housing assistance. The program, which provides vouchers to low-income households to help them pay for housing in the private market, has been found to sharply reduce homelessness.


1. Feed, clothe and transport children and adults.

2. Provide private home care for seniors and disabled persons

3. Accept charitable contributions and donations for the underserved individuals

4. Conduct charitable community events

5. Toy giveaway for Christmas

6. Turkey giveaway for Thanksgiving

7. Back to school supply giveaway

8. Dance classes

9. Utility Assistance

Angela C. Dorsey/ Founder/President

man in gray long sleeve shirt holding baby in red and white long sleeve shirt
man in gray long sleeve shirt holding baby in red and white long sleeve shirt

Our mission

We're on a mission to change the way the communities around the world are restored. Rather than offering one service or another, we want to combine as many and make our clients' lives easy and carefree. Our goal is to match our clients with the perfect programs and services that fit their needs.

Our vision

We want to live in a world where people can receive resources that match their needs rather than having to find a compromise and settle on a less than comfortable life. That's why we take a lot of time and care in getting to know our clients from the moment they reach out to us and ask for our help.